Hall of Records, New York City.
New Hall of Records, N. Y.
Hall of Records, New York.
Hall of Records -- New York
Hall of Records, New York
City Hall Square, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Hall of Records, Chamber St., New - York.
31 Chambers Street. New York City Hall of Records. Showing cleaning building by steam
Nathan Hale Statue, City Hall Park, New York.
Hall of Records.
New York City. N.Y. Yacht Club Landing Riverside Drive.
Olive Bridge-in-the-Catskills, N.Y. At the Ashokan Dam. Gorge below Coffer Dams. N.Y. City Water Supply Works.
New York City and Harbor from Statue of Liberty.
Chamber of Commerce, New York, N.Y.
Chamber Street Elevation. Hall of Records.