Tremont M. E. Church, New York.
Tremont Presbyterian Church, New York.
Trinity Congregational Church, Tremont, New York City.
Public Library, Tremont Branch, New York.
St. Paul's M.E. Church, New York.
Washington Ave, south from Tremont Ave, New York.
Washington Heights M.E. Church, New York
St. Andrews Church, New York.
New York Presbyterian Church, New York.
Grace Church, New York.
Saint Paul's Church, New York.
Washington Heights United Presbyterian Church, New York.
Holyrood Church. New York.
"The Little Church Around the Corner," New York.
Ft. Washington Reformed Church, New York.
Holy Trinity Church, New York.
First Church, Christ Scientist, New York.
Hamilton Grange Reformed Church of America, New York.
N.E. Cor. Arthur & Tremont Aves. N.Y.C.
Washington Heights Baptist Church, New York.