Victory Parade, New York. Homecoming 27th Division, Passing the Jewel Arch.
[Homecoming of the 27th Division, passing under the Victory Arch.]
Victory Parade at New York. Major General O'Ryan, at the Head of his 27th Division
Victory Parade at New York
Welcome Home 27th Division
27th Division Welcome Home Parade
[Farewell Parade, 27th Division.]
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops. Review and Parade of the 27th Division
[Victory Loan Parade, battleship "Victory" sailing down 5th Avenue.]
Victory Parades of the First Division, United States Army
Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-Coming Troops Review and Parade of the 27th Division
Victory Parade, New York. Altar Erected in front of Public Library on 5th Ave.
[Victory Loan Parade.]
Review and Parade of the 77th Division
Spanish War Parade, 9th Regiment Homecoming.
Victory Liberty Loan Industrial Division $200 Service Club;
Victory Liberty Loan Industrial Division $100 Service Club;
[Parade during World War I.]
Official Emblem April 27th 1968 Peace Parade
Welcome Home 79th Division