Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York.
Lake and Bridge, Central Park, New - York.
Lake and Bridge, Central Park, New York.
Lake and Bow Bridge, Central Park, New-York.
Swan Bridge, Central Park, New York.
Swan Lake, Central Park, New York.
Central Park Lake, New York.
New York. Bethesda Fountain and Lake, Central Park.
Lake in Central Park, New York City.
Snow Scenes, Central Park.
Vine Arch Bridge, Central Park
[Lake, Central Park.]
Central Park & Lakes [Broome Street through Central Park]
Skating in Central Park, New York.
Vine Arch Bridge, Central Park, New York City.
A Scene in Central Park, New York.
Vine Arch Bridge, Central Park, N. Y. City.
[Bridge in Central Park.]
[Bridge and lake at Central Park.]