St. Nicholas Association Third Annual Ball
Annual Soiree of the D. Donovan Association
Twentieth Annual Ball of Troop F, Third Regiment Cavalry N.G.S.N.Y.
Annual Hop of Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 12
Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 12, Annual Hop
Eighth Annual Ball. Young Men's Monte Cristo Club
Murray Association
First Annual Ball of the Irish Emigrant Society
First Annual Hop, Perry Association
Social Club Third Annual Ball
Annual Ball of the Patrick Divver Association
Eleventh Season Hop
Third Annual Ball of Troop J, Third Regiment Cavalry, N.Y.S.N.G.
Annual Reunion. Grand Social Festival, Tea Party, and Ball
The Daniel E. Finn Association First Annual Ball
Firemen's 6th Annual Ball
Annual Ball of the John Murray Association
American Company, IX. Second Annual Ball