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[Man standing next to painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing in front of paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing in front of paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to portrait of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to portrait of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Painting of a street scene and paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Painting of a street scene and paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to two full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Close-up view of a painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Close-up view of a painting of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to painting of Michael Augustine Corrigan, Archbishop of New York.]

[Man standing next to painting of Michael Augustine Corrigan, Archbishop of New York.]

[Man standing in between four full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing in between four full-length portraits of Roman Catholic clergy.]

[Man standing next to painting of Michael Augustine Corrigan, Archbishop of New York.]

[Man standing next to painting of Michael Augustine Corrigan, Archbishop of New York.]

[Unidentified man standing in front of paintings.]

[Unidentified man standing in front of paintings.]

[Unidentified man standing behind painting.]

[Unidentified man standing behind painting.]

[Man next to painting by Reginald Marsh.]

[Man next to painting by Reginald Marsh.]

[Man standing next to paintings of Roman Catholic clergy.]

Accession number 
Unique identifier M3Y55057 
Dated ca. 1938 
File dimensions 12.0 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
30.4 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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