Parkers Grand Ball
Thistle Ball
Cotillion Party
Third Annual Ball in Aid of the Funds of the Bachelors Hebrew Benevolent Loan Association
A Fancy Dress and Civic Ball
Light Guard Ball
Jamaica Volunteers, Fourth Annual Ball
Complimentary Ball to J. B. Griffith
Grand Complimentary Ball in Honor of the Vigilance Committee
Complimentary Ball to F. C. Schaffer
Social Club Third Annual Ball
Anniversary Bachelors' Ball
Governor's Guard Ball
[The Stewards of the St. Andrew's Ball, request the pleasure of your company to a ball and supper.]
First Annual Ball of the Dart Boat Club
Invitation Ball of the Gulick Guards, of New-York
Annual Ball of the New York Cadets, First Company
Military and Civic Ball, of the Mohican Tribe Rifle Corps