Mr. Grant's Lectures on Ethnography
Noah's Ark
Lecture on Capital Punishment of Criminals
Mr. A. D. Paterson's Lectures
[The ark scene in "Noah".]
[Noah's Ark scene in "The Green Pastures".]
Know Thyself, Dr. Bedford's Lectures on Anatomy
"Tough To Be A Jew"
Dr. Spring's Lectures
Professor E. C. Wines' Lecture
Professor Greenbank's Lectures
Medical Discussion, National Hall
Franklin Literary Association. Lecture
Dr. Reiersen's Anatomical Lectures
Lecture & Recitation by C. Whitney, P.E. & A.M.L.
First Entertainment Given Under the Auspices of the Committee on Intellectual Advancement of Abarbanel Lodge No. 92, I.O.B.B.
"The Feasts of the Saints" or "Fiestas of Our Little Italies"
[Salem Tutt Whitney as Noah and Richard B. Harrison as The Lord in a scene after the flood in "The Green Pastures".]
Dr. E. P. Banning's Lectures