Dinner to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the Manhattan Club
[Seating arrangement for the dinner to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Manhattan Club.]
Dinner of the Lawyers Club to Commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Appointment of John Marshall as Chief Justice of the United States
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Lotos Club
Twenty-third Anniversary Dinner of the Hospital Graduates' Club
Second Annual Dinner United Hunts Racing Association
Dinner to Alma Gluck-Zimbalist and Efrem Zimbalist by the Bohemians New York Musicians Club
The Bohemians (New York Musicians Club) Dinner to Alma Gluck-Zimbalist and Efrem Zimbalist
Dinner - Dance of the Canadian Club of New York
Dinner Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Home Insurance Company
Dinner on the Occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Organization of the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs
Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Robley D. Evans by the Lotos Club
The Metropolis Club Golden Annivesary Dinner
Banquet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange
Dinner in honor of Willem Mengelberg by The Bohemians New York Musicians Club
Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
Dinner In Honor of Mrs. Hoover
Dinner to Booth Tarkington by the Lotos Club
Fiftieth Anniversary Blizzard Men of 1888