[Felicia Marsh with breakfast tray in bed.]
[Felicia Marsh relaxing in bed.]
[Felicia Marsh having breakfast in bed.]
[Felicia Marsh in bedroom.]
[Felicia Marsh in bed.]
[Felicia Marsh in bed and sculpture of rape and pillage.]
[Views of Felicia Marsh inside the Marsh's apartment.]
[Felicia Marsh sitting in the sun.]
[Felicia Marsh.]
[Felicia Marsh reading in bed.]
[Felicia Marsh reading The New Yorker inside her apartment.]
[Felicia Marsh relaxing on porch.]
[Felicia Marsh in the woods.]
[Felicia Marsh in the country.]
[Felicia Marsh reading newspaper.]
[Felicia Marsh with unidentified woman.]
[Felicia Marsh with two unidentified men.]
[Felicia Marsh relaxing on boat.]