[Felicia Marsh with unidentified people in motorboat.]
[Unidentified people in boat.]
[Felicia Marsh with unidentified people in boat.]
[Unidentified people in garden.]
[People playing in water.]
[Felicia Marsh with unidentified people on boat.]
[Group of unidentified people.]
[Unidentified people.]
[Unidentified people relaxing outside.]
[People relaxing on beach and playing in water.]
[Unidentified people sitting on sofa.]
[People relaxing at beach.]
[Felicia Marsh with unidentified people in garden.]
[Group of unidentified people relaxing outside.]
[Unidentified people at outdoor social gathering.]
[Unidentified people on a picnic.]
[Portrait of unidentified people.]
[Unidentified people relaxing on porch.]
[Unidentified landscape painters playing around in garden.]