Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams, in "Connie Soogah", Monday, December 5, 1864
"Dick the Newsboy; or, Young America", Monday evening, October 17, 1853
Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, Friday evening, April 18, 1856
Monday evening, June 26, 1854, a new local drama in two acts, written by H. J. Conway, author of "Uncle Pat's Cabin", expressly for Mrs. B. Williams, entitled "Dick the Newsboy; or, Young America"
Friday evening, December 4, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams in the great fairy spectacle entitled "The Lakes of Killarney; or, The Brides of Glengariff"
Monday evening, December 28, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will appear in three glorious pieces
"The Brigand", this evening, Saturday, November 4, 1854
Wednesday evening, January 3, 1866, the performance will commence with De Walden's great comedy of "Sam"
Saturday evening, October 8, 1864, thirtieth consecutive night of Tom Taylor's best comedy in three acts, "Victims"
Mr. F. S. Chanfrau in De Walden's great comedy of "Sam", Tuesday evening, January 2, 1866
Hofele's Olympic Theatre. Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and Saturday matinee, the great drama in five acts, entitled "Oliver Twist"
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25
Grand opening night, Monday evening, October 4, during the week and Saturday matinee
Saturday, October 22, 1853, will be presented the elegant comedietta of "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady"
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
First benefit in America of Miss Agnes Elsworthy. First time this season of Bulwer's beautiful play of the "Lady of Lyons", Saturday, December 6, 1856
Tuesday evening, May 5, the Barney Williams Irish Relief benefit
Benefit of Mrs. Brougham, this evening, Friday, April 21, 1854. "The Game of Life" and "Immediate Satisfaction; or, An Affair of Honor"
Last night of Mr. Forrest as Spartacus in "Gladiator", Saturday evening, September 27, 1851
Mrs. John Wood and Mr. John Wood in "Shylock; or, The Merchant of Venice Preserved", Monday evening, July 27, 1857