"Coopers", "Obeying Orders", "Clodoche", "All Nations", "When I Say Take It, Don't Take It!", "Lost At Long Branch" and "Work; Or, the Irish Policeman"
The American play at last! "The Danites; or, Heart of the Sierras" written by Mr. Joaquin Miller, the popular and gifted poet
Aberle's Tivoli Theatre. Monday evening, July 8, the song and dance artists and comedians, Tierney & Cronin
Third night of Mr. E. Eddy. "Metamora; or, The Last of the Wampanoags", Wednesday evening, April 29
Monday evening, December 24, 1877, Rose and Harry Watkins in "The Pioneer Patriot; or, New York One Hundred Years Ago"
Bryant's Opera House. 14th Street, Tammany Building, adjoining Academy of Music. The original world-renowned Bryants Minstrels. Monday evening, September 27, 1869
[5th Avenue and 63rd Street.]
"The Haunted Wig Maker", "The Day We Went West", "The Skeptics", "The Invalid Corps" and "The Italian Padrone"
Monday and Tuesday evenings, February 17 and 18, 1868, the comedy in three acts by Charles Gaylor, entitled "Our Female American Cousin"
Eighteenth season of Bryant's Minstrels. Friday evening, January 8, 1874, the felicity will eventuate at 8 o'clock
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday matinee, the ever thrilling dramatization of Mrs. Southworth's greatest ledger story, "The Hidden Hand"
Monday evening, April 13, 1874, the sensation protean drama of "The Little Detective"
Mr. J. H. Wallack's original American equestrian drama in six acts and eight tableaux, entitled "The Bandit King"
"A Good Night's Rest", "Regular Army, Oh!", "My Father Sold Charcoal", "The Four Cousins", "Who's Got de Flo", "One-Two-Three!" and "Sing Sing, Or How They Get Out"
Wednesday, May 5, 1869, will be superbly presented Shakespeare's last work, "The Tempest"
Engagement with the American tragedian, Mr. John McCullough, who will sustain his great role of Spartacus in Dr. Bird's classical tragedy, "The Gladiator", Saturday evening, May 8, 1874
East 63rd Street and Park Avenue. Apartment building
Aberle's Tivoli Theatre. Week commencing Monday, February 5. Mr. Wm. H. Rightmire and his trained pony, Little Nell, in the drama "The Boss; or, Living for Vengeance"
Saturday evening, May 29, 1869, will be acted the old favorite drama of "Putnam, the Iron Son of '76"