Monday, June 13, 1853, benefit of Mr. Wallack and last night of Shakespeare's comedy of "As You Like It" with Mr. Wallack as Jacques
Saturday, October 22, 1853, will be presented the elegant comedietta of "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady"
Wednesday, October 19, 1853, John Brougham's new drama of "Bleak House", adapted from Charles Dickens' popular novel of that name
Benefit of Mr. Blake. Last night for the comedy of "The Rivals". First night of the petite drama of "Grandfather Whitehead", Friday, November 25, 1853
Facsimile of program used at the opening of Wallack's Theatre, September 8, 1852
Great bill tonight for the benefit of Mr. Walcot. Friday, February 10, 1854, Poole's charming comedietta, "A Soldier's Courtship"
Wednesday, November 5, 1856, Mr. Wallack will appear as Jacques in Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It"
Plays, "As You Like It".
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Monday evening, January 26, 1852, the performances will commence with an overture by the orchestra. After which the successful comedietta of "The Two Bonnycastles"
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25