Dinner tendered to Brigadier General John J. Phelan of the 93rd Infantry Brigade, N.Y.N.G.
Luncheon to His Excellency Count Albert Apponyi given by Mr. Alex Konta
[Luncheon to His Excellency Count Albert Apponyi given by Mr. Alex Konta. Seating arrangement.]
University Building. Grand Musical and Literary Entertainment, Tendered to Mr. F. A. E. Intropidi
Arion Masquerade Ball
National Horse Show Association of America
First Entertainment Given Under the Auspices of the Committee on Intellectual Advancement of Abarbanel Lodge No. 92, I.O.B.B.
Shakespeare Dramatic and Musical Club. Monthly Reception
Madison Ave. and 26th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Grand Carnivale de L'Opéra
The American Legion Reception to General John J. Pershing
Literary and Musical Entertainment at Simpson M.E. Church
Testimonial Dinner given by friends in tribute to Hon. Edward R. Finch
Gala Ball in honor of their Royal Highnesses the Infanta Doña Eulalia, and the Infante Don Antonio, Duke of Montpensier
Sarah H. Leggett, Bookseller, Stationer & Engraver
Ryerson & Brown
Arion Grand Masquerade Ball
Received, New-York, February 19 1869, from James K. Place Sixty Dollars, being his annual dues in advance
Madison Square Garden, New York city.