Monday, November 3, 1873, "Chicago Before the Fire, During the Fire and After the Fire"
The week commencing Monday, November 3. Mr. Josh Hart's world-renowned creation, "Chicago Before the Fire, During the Fire and After the Fire"
Monday, March 11, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will appear in Edward Harrigan's great hit of the season, "Sullivan's Christmas"
Program for the week commencing October 26, the evening's entertainment will commence with the laughable Negro farce, entitled "The Coopers"
Monday, January 14, 1878, Georgie Dean Spaulding, queen of the cornet and empress of the harp
Monday evening, January 14, 1878, Harrigan and Hart will produce Edward Harrigan's original drama in four acts, entitled "Christmas Joys and Sorrows"
The week commencing Monday, October 7, John F. Poole's new drama, entitled "Eva; or, Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Program for the week commencing January 25. The new and beautiful Irish sketch, entitled "The Skibbeeah"
Monday evening, January 28, 1878, Harrigan and Hart, the people's choice, in Edward Harrigan's new and original local drama, "The Italian Junkman"
Third week of the palace of amusement! Program for the week commencing Monday, November 1
For the week commencing Monday, March 8th. Another startling bill!
"Port Wine vs. Jealousy", "Apartments to Let", "As Like as Two Peas", "Laughing Eyes of Blue" and "Great Shooting Match"
Monday, May 22nd, and during the week and matinees Tuesday and Friday, the amusing farce, "American Tourists"
"A Good Night's Rest", "Regular Army, Oh!", "My Father Sold Charcoal", "The Four Cousins", "Who's Got de Flo", "One-Two-Three!" and "Sing Sing, Or How They Get Out"
Christmas evening a grand performance! Commencing at 7:30
Olympic Theatre will open for the third season on Monday, September 13, 1841
First appearance of the celebrated prima donna of L'Opera Comique, Madame Anna Thillon, as La Catrina in "Crown Diamonds", Monday evening, March 15
Saturday evening, September 30, benefit of the widow and orphans of the late Samuel Nichols
Bowery Opera House. Benefit of Frank Girard, Thursday, March 25, 1875
Monday, September 20, third night of the sterling comedian, Mr. James Browne, with the popular French dancers, Mlle. Pougaud and Mlle. De Melisse