Fourteenth week of G. L. Fox's spectacular ballet pantomime, "Humpty Dumpty". The great comedian and pantomimist, Mr. G. L. Fox, as "Clown"
Thursday, June 12, 1873, a grand charity matinee under the direction of Mr. Augustin Daly, in aid of the Foundling Asylum of the City of New York, under the care of the Sisters of Charity
Aberle's Tivoli Theatre. Week commencing Monday, February 5. Mr. Wm. H. Rightmire and his trained pony, Little Nell, in the drama "The Boss; or, Living for Vengeance"
Monday evening, December 24, 1877, Rose and Harry Watkins in "The Pioneer Patriot; or, New York One Hundred Years Ago"
The great prophet of fun, Geo. L. Fox, the life of every household, witness his original and great comic pantomime of "Humpty Dumpty at Home", Monday, April 6, 1874
The new drama, adapted from the French by Mr. George Hoey, "A Child of the State", every evening at 8, and Saturday matinee at 1:30, for the week ending May 8, 1880
This Saturday afternoon, May 22 at 11-2, "Wild Oats" matinee with Mr. Edwin Adams and Miss Fanny Morant. Last nights of "Othello" and last week but one of the engagement of Mr. Edwin Booth
Monday, May 31, 1869, second week of the grand heroic and historic drama in five acts and seven tableaux, entitled "Patrie", by Victorien Sardou
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December 2 and 3, 1873, the performance will commence with Tom Taylor's comedy in three acts, "Still Waters Run Deep"
Engagement with the American tragedian, Mr. John McCullough, who will sustain his great role of Spartacus in Dr. Bird's classical tragedy, "The Gladiator", Saturday evening, May 8, 1874
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Thursday evening, June 25, 1874, annual benefit (prior to his departure for Europe), of Dan Bryant
A new and original comedy in three acts, entitled "Our Girls", every evening during the week ending November 15, 1879
Thursday afternoon, May 4, 1876, farewell benefit of Mr. George Rignold
Friday evening, March 27, 1868, will be acted the new comic drama of "Peggy Green"
Thursday afternoon, November 15, 1888, benefit performance in aid of the Actors' Fund of America
Monster constellation! The Worrell Sisters, Miss Annie Adams, Mr. J. H. Milburn, Miss Leona Dare, George and Charles Reynolds and others
Monday evening, January 28, 1878, Harrigan and Hart, the people's choice, in Edward Harrigan's new and original local drama, "The Italian Junkman"
Wednesday, May 5, 1869, will be superbly presented Shakespeare's last work, "The Tempest"
Bowery Theatre. The largest and most elegant variety theater in America will open on Monday evening, February 11, 1878