Benefit of Geo. H. Andrews, on Wednesday evening, December 16. The best bill of the season - the performance will commence with "Speed the Plough"
Annual Ball of the Brooklyn Fire Department
Brooklyn Sanitary Fair 1864. View of the Academy of Music.
Twelfth season of the original Father Kemp's Mammoth Old Folks Concert Company, Monday evening, November 19 and every evening during the week
Grand concert, Wednesday evening, January 20, 1864 at Niblo's Saloon. First appearance of Madame Charlotte Varian
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Concert Hall.
Second Annual Ball of the Brooklyn Volunteer Firemen's Association
First Annual Ball of the Brooklyn Volunteer Firemen's Association
M. Jullien has the honor to announce that his fourth concert at Metropolitan Hall, and 28th in New York, will take place Thursday evening, September 29
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Grand Opening Entertainment
This Monday evening, February 9, the performance will commence with the petite comedy, entitled "Two Can Play At That Game"
The Brooklyn Academy of Music
Mr. & Mrs. Hollingshead, at Home
Pianoforte Concerts by Josef Hofmann
"Othello", Thursday evening, May 12, 1864
Twenty-Ninth Annual Ball in Aid of the Brooklyn Fire Dept. Fund