Map of Bronx Borough; showing complete street system as finally adopted and present and proposed transit system.
Map of Manhattan and Bronx [Map of Upper Manhattan and Bronx.]
The Seamen's Bank for Savings Rapid Transit Map of Greater New York
Map of Manhattan and Bronx [Map of Manhattan and western Brooklyn and Queens.]
Map of the City of New York with the latest Improvments.
Map of Manhattan
Map of the City of New York
Map of the Subway System of New York
Map of City of New York, showing the locality of the Common Schools
Map of the Borough of the Bronx, New York City. Prepared expressly for J. Clarence Davies & Co., Real Estate.
Proposed New Division and Road Map. Preliminary Study [showing Fox Meadow and estate of Benjamin F. Butler.]
Map of Property in 12th Ward of the City of New York Belonging to Archibald Watt
Map of Greater New York Showing Rapid Transit Facilities and by Shaded Areas, Increase of Population 1900-1910.
[Map of Property at Manhattanville and Part of the 3rd Avenue Tract Belonging to Archbald Watt]