"Too Long From Long Acre Square"
"The American Rag Time"
"Cohan's Pet Names (That's the Pet Name for Me)"
Orchestration for "That's Some Love"
Timpani orchestration for "The American Idea"
Flute orchestration for "The American Idea"
"They Always Follow Me"
"Cohan's Pet Names" for "The American Idea"
Bass orchestration for "The American Idea"
Horn orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
First and second clarinet orchestration for "The American Idea"
Horn orchestration for "The Talk of New York"
"The American Idea - March"
Drum orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
Director's score of "The American Idea"
Bassoon orchestration for "The American Idea"
"I'm Awfully Strong for You" from "The Yankee Prince"
Oboe orchestration for "The American Idea"