First Church, Christ Scientist, New York.
[First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1 West 96th Street.]
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City.
[Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 77 Central Park West.]
68th Street and Central Park West, S.W. corner. 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, interior.
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist.
68th Street and Central Park West, S.W. corner. 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, exterior.
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
Grace Church Rectory, N.Y. City.
Grace Church, N.Y. City.
Museum of Natural History, N. Y. City.
Interior, Third Church of Christ Scientist, Park Ave. & 63rd Street.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Side entrance 1.
Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Side entrance 2.
Saint Andrews Protest. E. Church N.Y. City.