Grace Church Rectory, N.Y. City.
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
Broadway Bldgs. round Trinity Church, N.Y. City
Grace Church, N. Y. City.
Trinity Church, N. Y. City.
Saint Andrews Protest. E. Church N.Y. City.
Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y. City.
Washington Arch, N.Y. City.
St. Francis Xavier Church, N. Y. City.
St. Paul's Chapel, N.Y. City
St. Mark's Church, N. Y. City
First Church of Christ, (Scientist), N.Y. City.
Broadway, N.Y. City.
St. Patrick's Cathedral, N.Y. City.
Broadway Bldgs. round Trinity Church, N. Y. City.
St. Thomas Church, N. Y. City.
St. Patrick's Cathedral N.Y. City.
[Grace Church.]