Wednesday evening, July 2, 1856, the entertainments will commence with Shakespeare's tragedy of "Macbeth"
Monday evening, March 31, 1862, will be presented the popular five-act play, "Damon and Pythias; or, The Test of Friendship"
Wednesday evening, November 14, "Romeo and Juliet". 39th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, when she will appear in her great character of Romeo with Mrs. Bowers as Juliet
The eminent American tragedian, Mr. E. L. Davenport, and the great dramatic genius of the age, Edwin Booth, will appear in Shakespeare’s tragedy of “Othello” this Monday evening, April 12
Friday evening, August 29, 1862, will be presented the laughable pantomime of "The Magic Trumpet" with new tricks, scenery, transformations and fireworks
Monday evening, April 14, 1856, will be presented the comedy in two acts, entitled "The Scholar"
Thursday evening, February 28, 1861, will be presented the celebrated drama in four parts, from the works of Dickens, entitled "Oliver Twist". Miss Cushman in her great character of Nancy Sikes
Tuesday evening, November 1, 1860, will be represented Shakespeare's "Henry VIII". 28th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, who will appear in her great character of Cardinal Wolsey
Monday evening, October 1, 1860, seventh representation of Shakespeare’s tragedy of “Hamlet”, with Mr. Forrest as Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Thursday evening, March 7, 1861, will be presented "Oliver Twist", commencing with the second act, which will embrace the whole of Miss Cushman's great impersonation of Nancy Sikes
Friday, October 30, 1857, Shakespeare's play in five acts, of "Romeo and Juliet". Miss Cushman will sustain her popular character of Romeo
Saturday evening, October 25, 1856, will be represented Shakespeare's tragedy of "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"
Friday evening, March 10, will be performed the tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
Saturday evening, June 27, will be produced Sir E. Bulwer's play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Tuesday evening, November 11, 1845, will be performed the tragedy of "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, with the whole of original music by Matthew Locke
Friday evening, August 17, 1860, will be presented the reminiscence of childhood's romance, "Cinderella; or, The Good Fairy and Little Glass Slipper"
Wednesday, May 5, 1869, will be superbly presented Shakespeare's last work, "The Tempest"
Tonight, Tuesday, April 6, will be presented Sir E. B. Lytton's beautiful play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Thursday evening, March 19, first night of an original drama by John H. Wilkins, Esq., entitled "The Green Hills of the West"
Wednesday, November 5, 1856, Mr. Wallack will appear as Jacques in Shakespeare's play, "As You Like It"