Last night of Mr. Forrest as Spartacus in "Gladiator", Saturday evening, September 27, 1851
Thursday evening, February 5, 1857, will be performed for the first time in New York, an entirely new and elegant ballet, "Rose and Papillon", composed and produced by Mlle. Yrca Mathias
Wednesday evening, January 7, 1857, will be performed the play in five acts, by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bt., called "Richelieu; or, The Conspiracy", with Mr. Forrest as Richelieu, Cardinal Minister
Monday evening, April 26, 1852, Mr. Forrest in the character of Pierre in the revived tragedy of "Venice Preserved; or, A Plot Discovered"
On Wednesday evening, April 27, 1853, will be performed for the last time, Shakespeare's sublime tragedy of "Othello, the Moor of Venice", with Mr. Forrest as Othello
For the benefit of Mr. Forrest, who will on this occasion appear in the celebrated character of Othello, Thursday evening, May 3, 1849, in “The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice”
New Year's night. "Betrothal" and "Giralda; or, The Miller's Wife", Wednesday evening, January 1, 1851
The wonderful Ravel Family, this evening, Friday, January 2, 1852
Last night but three of the engagement of Mr. Collins, the eminent Irish comedian and vocalist. "The Serious Family", Wednesday evening, March 19, 1851
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will be opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27
Last night of Miss Davenport, in "Love; or, The Countess & the Serf", Saturday evening, April 6, 1850
Friday evening, August 23, will be presented Bulwer's play of "The Lady of Lyons" with Mr. Forrest as Claude Melnotte
Thursday evening, September 21, will be presented the tragedy in five acts, entitled "The Broker of Bogota"
Tuesday evening, August 27, will be presented Shakespeare's play of "Hamlet"
Mr. Collins in "His Last Legs", Thursday evening, March 20, 1851
"Dick the Newsboy; or, Young America", Monday evening, October 17, 1853
John Sefton's benefit. Only appearance on the same evening of the Ravel Family, 25 in number, and Mr. Burton, who will sustain his great character of Mr. Fright, Wednesday, January 7, 1852
The Ravel Family, Monday, November 24
Saturday evening, September 19, 1857, will be presented a new comedy, adapted by Mr. Charles Mathews, entitled "Married For Money"
Benefit of Madame Marietta Alboni who will appear in her great character of Cenerentola on Tuesday evening, January 25, 1853, in “La Cenerentola; or, The Triumph of Goodness”