"Coopers", "Obeying Orders", "Clodoche", "All Nations", "When I Say Take It, Don't Take It!", "Lost At Long Branch" and "Work; Or, the Irish Policeman"
"The Haunted Wig Maker", "The Day We Went West", "The Skeptics", "The Invalid Corps" and "The Italian Padrone"
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will be opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27
"A Good Night's Rest", "Regular Army, Oh!", "My Father Sold Charcoal", "The Four Cousins", "Who's Got de Flo", "One-Two-Three!" and "Sing Sing, Or How They Get Out"
Continued and extraordinary success of Miss Cushman as La Tisbe in the new play, “The Actress of Padua”, Friday evening, October 2
Artist's union. Last week but one of the Italian opera. Saturday, January 31, positively last night of the grand opera of "Norma". Signora Bosio will sustain the part of Adalgisa
The incomprehensible and interesting entertainment of Mr. Robert Heller will continue Monday, May 2, and every evening
Last night of the season but five, "I Puritani", Monday, December 8, 1851
"Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly"
Saturday evening, October 8, 1864, thirtieth consecutive night of Tom Taylor's best comedy in three acts, "Victims"
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
Mr. J. H. Wallack's original American equestrian drama in six acts and eight tableaux, entitled "The Bandit King"
Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams in "The Shamrock: The Flower of Erin", this evening, during the week and Saturday matinee
Mrs. Marie Abbot respectfully announces that her annual concert will take place at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Thursday evening, January 28, 1864
Thursday evening, February 28, 1861, will be presented the celebrated drama in four parts, from the works of Dickens, entitled "Oliver Twist". Miss Cushman in her great character of Nancy Sikes
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
First night of "The Favorite", Monday, October 4, 1847
The Ravel Family, Monday, November 24
Tuesday evening, November 11. Benefit of Mlle. Adelaide Rousset. Splendid bill! Two ballets selected from “La Giselle” and “Catarina; or, The Queen of the Bandits"
Every evening until further notice. The comic sketch of "The Troublesome Boy"