Grand concert, Wednesday evening, January 20, 1864 at Niblo's Saloon. First appearance of Madame Charlotte Varian
Every evening until further notice. The comic sketch of "The Troublesome Boy"
Opening night of the fall season. Monday evening, August 24, 1857, will be presented the popular farce of "Lola Montes; or, Catching a Governor"
Miss Julia Bennett's benefit. Tuesday evening, May 11, the entertainments will commence with the popular comedy in two acts, "The Follies of a Night"
Monday, May 22nd, and during the week and matinees Tuesday and Friday, the amusing farce, "American Tourists"
Monday evening, May 22, 1865, will be presented the fascinating domestic drama in five acts, entitled "Fanchon the Cricket". Miss Maggie Mitchell in her exquisite life-like picture of Little Cricket
Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. Saturday evening, April 12, the evening's entertainments will commence with the petite comedy entitled "The Crown Prince; or, The Buckle of Brilliants"
Farewell entertainment at Niblo's Saloon. Mr. Dempster will sing a second selection from the songs of Burns, with introductory remarks, Monday evening, February 16
Olympic Theatre will open for the third season on Monday, September 13, 1841
The admired operetta of "Never Despair", founded upon the well-known story of "Pauvre Jacques", Monday evening, October 31, 1859
Artist's union. Last week but one of the Italian opera. Saturday, January 31, positively last night of the grand opera of "Norma". Signora Bosio will sustain the part of Adalgisa
Monday evening, December 28, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will appear in three glorious pieces
First appearance of the celebrated prima donna of L'Opera Comique, Madame Anna Thillon, as La Catrina in "Crown Diamonds", Monday evening, March 15
Edwin Forrest will appear in "Metamora", Thursday evening, October 22, 1863
Tuesday evening, August 25, 1857, will be presented the popular farce of "Lola Montes; or, Catching a Governor"
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
Engagement of Miss Bateman, who will on this Wednesday evening, October 6, 1869, and every evening except Saturday, appear in her celebrated and original character of "Leah" in the drama of that name
Monday, September 20, third night of the sterling comedian, Mr. James Browne, with the popular French dancers, Mlle. Pougaud and Mlle. De Melisse
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
The Panorama of Bunyan's Pilgrims' Progress and Vanity Fair