Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, 1858, the drama adapted from Mrs. Southworth's Ledger story, by Mr. H. Watkins, entitled "The Bride of an Evening; or, Circumstantial Evidence"
Thursday evening, January 31, 1861, the performances will commence with the beautiful three-act Irish drama of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Second night of the new national historical drama, “The Birth of Freedom”, to be followed by an attractive olio of singing and dancing, and the drama “Robber’s Wife”, Saturday evening, July 5, 1856
Thursday evening, June 25, 1857, the performance will commence with the play in five acts, entitled "Love's Sacrifice; or, The Rival Merchants", with Mrs. T. S. Hamblin as Margaret Elmore
Wednesday evening, June 23, 1858, will be presented Shakespeare’s sublime tragedy entitled “Macbeth”
Mrs. John Wood and Mr. John Wood in "Shylock; or, The Merchant of Venice Preserved", Monday evening, July 27, 1857
"Camille; or, The Fate of a Coquette", Saturday, November 29, 1856, in the afternoon and also in the evening
Wednesday evening, April 16, 1862, the performances will commence with the original drama in three acts, entitled "The Spirit Friend; or, The Angel of Night"
Friday afternoon and evening, July 4, will be presented the new patriotic drama, "The Birth of Freedom"
Monday evening, March 31, 1862, will be presented the popular five-act play, "Damon and Pythias; or, The Test of Friendship"
Friday evening, March 10, will be performed the tragedy of "Pizarro; or, The Death of Rolla"
Thursday evening, June 11, 1857, the performance will commence with the drama in two acts, entitled "Rip Van Winkle; or, The Spirits of the Catskill Mountains"
Friday evening, June 21, 1861, the performances will commence with the fairy spectacle in three acts, of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Monday evening, November 24, 1856, will be presented the new and extraordinary romantic legendary drama, entitled "The Dice of Death; or, The Spectral Avenger"
Thursday evening, March 7, 1861, will be presented "Oliver Twist", commencing with the second act, which will embrace the whole of Miss Cushman's great impersonation of Nancy Sikes
Thursday evening, August 11, 1853, under direction of Mr. Harry Watkins, jubilee benefit of the American Dramatic Fund Association
Thursday, March 23, first night of the fine old English comedy of “The Beaux Stratagem”
Thursday evening, April 22, 1847, will be performed the comedy of "The Jealous Wife". Mrs. Mason will make her first appearance in comedy as Mrs. Oakley. Mr. Wheatley as Mr. Oakley
Thursday evening, June 14, will be acted Buckstone's drama, entitled "The Lost Son; or, Luke the Labourer"
Saturday evening, June 27, will be produced Sir E. Bulwer's play of "The Lady of Lyons"