First appearance this season of Mr. Lester Wallack in his own five-act drama, "Rosedale", Monday evening, November 13, 1871
Monday, January 29, 1866, will be given for the second time in two years, Sheridan's sterling comedy of "The Rivals; or, A Trip to Bath"
Saturday evening, February 15, 1873, the popular comedy in three acts, entitled "David Garrick"
Tuesday, October 3, tenth night of the new and original drama by Tom Taylor, Esq., entitled "The Serf"
Wednesday evening, December 11, 1872, "Our American Cousin"
Wednesday evening, May 30, 1866, first benefit of Mr. M. L. Sutton, treasurer, on which occasion will be presented the new romantic drama in four acts, "Pages From the History of David Copperfield"
Thursday evening, March 8, 1866, the performances will commence with the petite comedy in two acts, "Used Up"
Monday evening, February 5, 1866, the performance will commence with, for the first time in America, the new comedy in two acts, "Who Killed Cock Robin"
Wednesday evening, November 22, 1865, "The Miseries of Human Life" and "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood"
Saturday evening, February 24, 1866, the performance will commence with (for the last time) "Who Killed Cock Robin"
Thursday, April 16, 1874, every evening and Saturday matinee until further notice, will be presented Mr. Lester Wallack's celebrated military drama in six tableaux, entitled "The Veteran"
Saturday evening, March 31, 1866, second night in New York of a new comedy in two acts, "Woodcock's Little Game"
Monday evening, October 2, 1865, will be produced (never acted) a drama of intense interest, entitled "Lolah" in three tableaux, written expressly for Miss Lucy Rushton
Tuesday, February 13, 1866, benefit of Mr. J. W. Wallack. First time this season, "The Iron Mask"
Friday evening, November 6, 1874, Mr. Lester Wallack's and Mr. Pierrepont Edwards' adaptation from Octave Feuillet's great drama, "The Romance of a Poor Young Man"
Monday evening, October 9, 1865, Shakespeare's comedy in five acts, "As You Like It", with Miss Lucy Rushton as Rosalind
Mrs. Blake's benefit, this evening, Thursday, April 6, 1854. For the first time in many years, S. J. Arnold's admirable comedy of "Man and Wife"
Monday evening, May 21, 1866, a new drama founded on the novel by Charles Dickens, by Mr. George Fawcett Rowe, who will appear as Wilkins Micawber, in "Pages From the History of David Copperfield"
Second night of Miss Matilda Heron as Bianca in "Fazio", Friday evening, April 3
Broadway Theatre. This splendid establishment will be opened with a carefully selected company on Monday evening, September 27