Complimentary Dinner Tendered to Hon. Alfred E. Smith, Hon. Victor J. Dowling, Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, Hon. Owen D. Young and Hon. Perry Belmont
Dinner to the Honorable Charles H. Truax President of the Manhattan Club
[Coaching Club dinner.]
Dinner Tendered to Chief Daniel A. Deasy, Chief Frederic J. G. Wedemeyer and Fireman George T. J. Scott
The American Legion Reception to General John J. Pershing
First Forage Flight. 1st Aero Co., N.G., N.Y. Dinner
Reception and Promenade Concert of the Twelfth Infantry N.G.S.N.Y
[56 East 93rd Street.]
Testimonial Dinner given by friends in tribute to Hon. Edward R. Finch
[Notification to J. Augustus Barnard of his election to the University Club.]
Dinner in honor of His Excellency Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff
Farewell Dinner tendered to Commendatore Emanuele Grazzi Consul General of Italy
[60 East 93rd Street.]
Dinner to the Hon. James G. Blaine.
Twenty-third Anniversary Dinner of the Hospital Graduates' Club
Gala Ball in honor of Their Royal Highnesses Infanta Doña Eulalia and Infante Don Antonio
Dinner in Compliment to Our Honorary Members