Dinner to the Honorable Morgan J. O'Brien
Annual Banquet of the Bankers of the City of New York, Group VIII N.Y.S.B.A.
The West Side Republican Club Annual Dinner
Dinner by the Officers and Directors of the New York National Exchange Bank 1851-1901
Eighth Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Complimentary Dinner tendered to the General Officers and Flag Officers in the Vicinity of New York
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Banquet tendered to Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Leach by New York Lodge No. 1. B.P.O. Elks
Seating List. Dinner in Honor of the British and French War Commissions Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
Sixteenth Annual Banquet, Lieutenants' Benevolent Association
Seating List. Centennial Dinner. The Fifth Avenue Association Incorporated
Seating Plan of Fifteenth Annual Dinner of the Real Estate Board of Brokers
Banquet of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation
Dinner to the Honorable Charles H. Truax President of the Manhattan Club
Roosevelt - Fairbanks, Higgins and Bruce Jubilee Dinner
Dinner in Honour of His Excellency the Right Honorable James Bryce O.M. British Ambassador
Seating List. Eighteenth Anniversary Dinner. The Fifth Avenue Association Incorporated
[Dinner in Honour of His Excellency the Right Honorable James Bryce O.M. British Ambassador.]
Seating List. Greater Scope Luncheon. The Fifth Avenue Association Incorporated
The American Institute Centenary Dinner