The Jewelers Twenty-Four Karat Club of New York City
Tenth Annual Dinner, the Jewelers Twenty-four Karat Club of New York City
The Public Speaking Club of America First Annual Banquet
25th Anniversary of the Opening of the Fifty-fifth Street Clubhouse of the New York Athletic Club
The Public Speaking Club of America Third Annual Banquet
Seating List. Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association
Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association On Its Tenth Anniversary
[Seating arrangement for the banquet celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange.]
Dinner to Josef Hofmann by The Bohemians, New York Musicians Club
Banquet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange
The West Side Republican Club Annual Dinner
Hotel Association of New York City. Seating Diagram
The Society of Arts and Sciences Awards to the Creators of the Bronx River Parkway at a Dinner Given in Their Honor
A Dinner: Given in Honor of the Creators of the Bronx River Parkway
First Public Banquet held in celebration of Columbus Day
Complimentary Dinner tendered to Honorable Frank Moss
29th Annual Banquet & Reunion of the Thomas Hunter Association, Grammar School No. 35
Welcome Home Reception to Mr. and Mrs. Beniamino Gigli
Society of Arts and Sciences Bronx River Parkway Dinner
[Testimonial dinner to Dr. Ernest R. Birkins.]