Table Assignments, Annual Bar Dinner of the New York County Lawyers' Association
Dinner to the Justices of the Appellate Division First Department under the auspices of the New York County Lawyers Association.
Third Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Sixth Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York One Hundredth Annual Dinner
The Engineers Club 2nd Annual Banquet
Fifth Anual Dinner of the Railway Business Association.
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association.
Second Annual Dinner United Hunts Racing Association
Seventh Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Thirty Second Annual Dinner of the New England Society in Brooklyn
Dinner to the Visiting Members and Ladies of the H.M.M.B.A. by the Hotel Association of New York
The Engineers Club Inaugural Banquet Commemorative of the Opening of the New Club House
Dinner in honor of Willem Mengelberg by The Bohemians New York Musicians Club
Dinner tendered to the Hon. Horace H. Lurton, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, by the New York County Lawyers Association
Annual Dinner of the Hotel Association of New York City
Annual Bar Dinner to the Circuit Judges of the Second Circuit and the District Judges of the Southern District of New York
Twentieth Annual Banquet of the New York State Hotel Association
Annual Banquet of Group VIII, Manhattan Bankers, New York State Bankers' Association