[Barnard School for Boys.]
Public School No. 116, New York.
The Sadivian Arms, New York.
St. Nicholas, north from 148th St, New York.
The Majestic, New York.
St. Nicholas Ave north from 145th Street, New York.
St. Nicholas Ave, south from 148th St, New York.
The Hearn Cliff, New York.
N.W. Cor. St. Nicholas Ave and 149th St., New York.
The Westminster - New York.
S.E. Cor. St. Nicholas Ave, and 152nd St, New York.
Public School No. 169, New York.
St. Nicholas Ave, north from 152nd St, New York.
S.W. Cor. St. Nicholas Ave and 153rd St., New York.
Public School 10 Boys Commencement
St. Nicholas Ave, south from 155th St, New York.
St. Nicholas Ave, south from 160th St, New York.
The Stockton, New York.
N.W. Cor.St. Nicholas Ave and 145th St, New York.
Barnard School for Girls, New York.