In 1639 Jonas Bronck, after whom the Borough of the Bronx was named, purchased land in that Borough from the Indians. In 1642, after many hostilities, a treaty with the Indians was signed in his house
Massacre by the Indians of the white people in Pavonia.
Massacre by the Indians of the white people at Pavonia.
In 1626, Peter Minuit, the first Dutch Governor - General of New Netherland, purchased all of Manhattan Island from the Indians for the equivalent of $24.00.
Arrival of the ship of Captain Christaensen.
In 1692 Col. Peter Schuyler took five Iroquois chiefs to London. The Indians were objects of intense interest at the Court of St. James.
Float - Bronck's Treaty with the Indians.
The Iroquois Confederacy was originally composed of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas. In 1714 the Tuscaroras joined it, which thereafter became known as the Six Nations.
The Iroquois used to fight against each other until Hiawatha told them to call representatives from all the tribes to a great council to be held on the banks of Onondaga Lake.
William Penn's Treaty with the Indians.
Float - Bronck's Treaty with the Indians
Major Andre of the British army, with whom Benedict Arnold conducted his secret negotiations for the betrayal of West Point, was captured in 1780, and was hanged in Tappan.
In 1689 Governor Nicholson fled from New York, and Jacob Leisler assumed the reigns of government. In 1691 Leisler was hanged as a traitor, but later the stigma was officially removed.
Bowling Green, at the foot of Broadway, is the oldest park in New York City. It had been used as a public place for many years, when in 1732 it was laid out especially as a bowling green.