Death of General Montcalm - Gozon. Plains of Abraham, Quebec Sept. 13, 1759.
Death of Gen. Montgomery. Dec 3, 1775.
Dispatches from Quebec.
Battle of Bunker Hill.
Battle of Lexington, Mass.
Battle of Bunker Hill. Death of Gen. Jos. Warren, June 17, 1775.
Burial of Gen. Fraser (brit.) Freeman's Farm Oct. 7, 1777.
Military order issued by James De Lancey to James Clinton, March 8, 1759
Saratoga N.Y. Surrender of Bourgogne to Gates Oct. 17, 1777.
The Battle of Sharpsburg, Md. Sept. 17th 1862.
Abstracts of militia returned to Sir Charles Hardy, March 16, 1756 and to James De Lancey, 1758, copied by Benjamin Floyd and Arthur Buchanan, respectively
Order issued to Abraham Gardner on March 14, 1757 to assemble the Suffolk County militias
Military order issued by James De Lancey to Richard Floyd, May 19, 1759
British Troops.
The Boston Massacre. March 5, 1770.
Death of Montgomery.
French Relief Troops, 1776-83.
An Act for the more speedy and effectual raising the Forces to be furnished by this Colony, on the Expedition against Crown-Point
Evacuation of Boston, March 18, 1776.
Death of Tecumseh