Washington's Reception by the Ladies, on Passing the Bridge at Trenton, N.J. April 1789.
Washington's Reception by the Ladies, on Passing the Bridge at Trenton , N.J. April, 1789.
George Washington.
Washington Crossing the Deleware at Trenton N.J. Dec. 25, 1776.
Programme of Parades, Washington's Inaugural Celebration, 1789-1889.
General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton.
1789 - 1889
Public Schools, New York City, 1789-1889.
Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington, First President of the United States, April 30, 1789
U.S.S. Jamestown; U.S.S. Yantic [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
[George Washington.]
Centennial Inauguration 1789 - 1889
Centennial Anniversary 1789-1889
A Presidential Reception in 1789.
U.S. Steel Cruiser "Essex" [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
Naval Parade Washington Centennial New York Harbor April 29th, 1889 [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
U.S. Steel Cruiser Yorktown; U.S.S. Kearsarge [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
Washington's Birthday
Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, in Federal Hall. The oath of office was administered to him by Chancellor Livingston from the balcony facing Broad Street.