Washington Bridge and Speedway, New York City.
Public School No. 38, Third Avenue and 158th Streets, Bronx, New York City.
Canoeing on the Bronx River. Bronx Park, New York City.
The Library of Columbia University, New York City.
Heine Monument, Bronx Park New York.
Bronx River and Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park New York.
View from Boat House, Bronx Park, New York, N.Y.
Bronx River, Bronx Park, N. Y. City.
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park, New York City.
The Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
The Bridge, Bronx Park, N. Y.
New Pelham Bay Bridge, New York City.
Along the Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx River, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York.
On the Driveway, Pelham Bay Park, New York City.