[Olive Wyndham and William Elliott in "The Greatest Nation".]
[William Elliott and Olive Wyndham in "The Greatest Nation".]
[Olive Oliver in "The Argyle Case".]
[Olive May as Suzanne Elise in "The Butterflies".]
Olive May in "Arizona"
[Georgia Brown as Nancy in "Oliver!".]
[Viva Birkett and Stanley Wyndham in "Evidence".]
[Mary Ellis as Laetitia in "Children of Darkness".]
[Blanche Bates as Hannah Jacobs in "Children of the Ghetto".]
[Olive Tell as Angela Baldwin in "Cousin Lucy".]
Olive Redpath
["Children! Children!" theater still.]
[Olive Tell in "Husband and Wife".]
[Act 1 of "The Earth".]
[Sarah Bernhardt in the title role of "Adrienne Lecouveur".]
[Act 2 of "The Earth".]