Major John André
Major André
John André
Major Andre of the British army, with whom Benedict Arnold conducted his secret negotiations for the betrayal of West Point, was captured in 1780, and was hanged in Tappan.
The Unfortunate Major André
John Andre
The Boston Massacre. March 5, 1770.
Saratoga N.Y. Surrender of Bourgogne to Gates Oct. 17, 1777.
Battle of Bunker Hill. Death of Gen. Jos. Warren, June 17, 1775.
The Meeting of Arnold and Andre
Capture of Andre 1780.
Floats - Capture of Andre.
Washington Crossing the Deleware at Trenton N.J. Dec. 25, 1776.
Lieut. Moody Releases a Condemned Prisoner from Sussex C. Gaol May 1780.
Burial of Gen. Fraser (brit.) Freeman's Farm Oct. 7, 1777.
Parade at Yorktown. Oct. 1781. Surrender of Cornwallis.
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va. Oct.19, 1781.
Float - Capture of André
Washington's Reception at Trenton. April 21, 1789.