The Main New York Post Office at Eighth Avenue and 31st Street, New York City
Trinity Church, New York City.
New York Skyline at night, looking under Brooklyn Bridge, New York City
New Post Office, 8th Ave., and 31st St, New York
New General Post Office, New York City.
N. Y. Post Office, 8th Ave. & 31st St.
General Post Office, New York.
New Yorl Post Office - 31st to 33rd St,- 8th to 9th Ave.
New General Post Office, New York.
West 34th Street and Eighth Avenue. Main Post Office
New General Post Office.
Woolworth Building, at night, New York City.
Eighth Avenue. Pennsylvania Station, main post office
General Post Office, New York
Woolworth Building and Post Office, New York City.
[James A. Farley Post Office Building.]
New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City.