Hotel Manhattan, N.Y. City.
Hotel Belmont, N.Y. City.
Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y. City
Hotel St. Regis, N. Y. City.
Continental Hotel N.Y. City
Forty Second Street, looking East, N. Y. City.
The Waldorf Astoria, N.Y. City
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
Fifth Avenue, Waldorf - Astoria. N.Y. City.
Hotels, Manhattan Hotel.
Windsor Arcade, N. Y. City.
Grand Central Station, N. Y. City.
Forty Second Street, Looking West, N. Y. City.
Madison Square Garden, N. Y. City.
[Manhattan Hotel.]
Hippodrome, N.Y. City.
Central Park Majestic Hotel & Dakota Ap. N. Y. City.
Holland House, Fifth Ave., N. Y. City.
Netherland and Savoy Hotels from Central Park, N. Y. City.