Democratic Club, N. Y. City.
The Union Club, N. Y. City.
Columbia University, N.Y. City.
Columbia University, N. Y. City
Hotel St. Regis, N. Y. City.
Library of New York University, N. Y. City.
St. Thomas Church, N. Y. City.
[1 West 54th Street. University Club. Entrance.]
Columbia University, N Y. City.
Columbia University, N.Y. City
1 West 54th Street. University Club. Interior, billiard room
University of New York, N.Y. City.
Carnegie Hall, N.Y. City.
1 West 54th Street. University Club. Interior, backgammon room
St. Thomas Church, 5th Ave N. Y. City.
1 West 54th Street. University Club. Interior, library
"The Little Church Around the Corner" , N.Y. City
1 West 54th Street. University Club. Interior, card room