Mulberry Street, New York.
Mulberry St., New York.
Mulberry Street, N.Y.
Street Scenes, Mulberry Street, Peddlers.
[Mulberry Street.]
Stale Bread Vendor, Mulberry Bend.
Wall Street looking West, New York City.
Forty Second Street. East of 6th Avenue. New York City.
New York Post Office
Mulberry Street [Album No. II.]
Fifth Avenue and 42nd St., New York.
Schiff Parkway and Williamsburg Bridge Approach, New York City.
[Mulberry Bend, Looking North, 1888.]
New Jewish Market on the East Side, New York.
Civic Virtue Statue and City Hall, New York City.
Broadway & Dey St. SW corner
Broadway and City Hall Park South, New York.
Street Scene Broadway & City Hall Park