"Go Where the Crowds Go." Coney Island Stauch's.
Interior, Church of the Holy Communion, Sixth Avenue and Twentieth Street, New York.
Bird's-eye view of Lower New York.
"How to be a Jewish Mother"
Fred Winter's Summer Garden.
Whitmore's Stationery and Leather Goods are Standard for Style and Quality
Arrival of the ship of Captain Christaensen.
"New Amsterdam becomes New York" - The English captured New Amsterdam from the Dutch in 1664 and re-named it New York in honor of the Duke of York.
New York Stock Exchange
Compliments of the Mechanical Orguinette Co.
The first vessel was the ship "Restless" built on the Island of Manhattan by Adrian Block in 1614 to replace the ship "Tiger," which was destroyed by fire.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Building. Madison Square, New York City. 48 Stories; 658 Ft Tallest in the World.
In 1626, Peter Minuit, the first Dutch Governor - General of New Netherland, purchased all of Manhattan Island from the Indians for the equivalent of $24.00.
In 1639 Jonas Bronck, after whom the Borough of the Bronx was named, purchased land in that Borough from the Indians. In 1642, after many hostilities, a treaty with the Indians was signed in his house
Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, in Federal Hall. The oath of office was administered to him by Chancellor Livingston from the balcony facing Broad Street.