East Side. City Island, N. Y.
King Avenue, City Island, N.Y.
Road to City Island, N. Y.
Monorail, City Island, New York City.
Bartow and City Island Street Car Line.
Bartow and City Island Stage Coach Line.
Billop Conference House - Bedroom (1668) Staten Island N.Y.
City Hall, N. Y. City
On the Driveway, Pelham Bay Park, New York City.
Canoeing on the Bronx River. Bronx Park, New York City.
Billop House, Basement Kitchen. (1668) S.I., N.Y.
City Hospital. Blackwells Island, N.Y.
New Pelham Bay Bridge, New York City.
Luna Park, Surf Avenue, by Night, Coney Island, N.Y.
Flatiron Building, N. Y. City.
Steeple Chase Swimming Pool, Coney Island, N.Y.
Ansonia Apartments, N.Y. City.
Crowd of Bathers on Beach, front of Steeplechase, Coney Island, N.Y.
Nurses' Home, Blackwell's Island, N.Y.
City Hall Showing Underground R.R. N.Y.