Hotel Lexington, Revere Room, New York.
Shelton Hotel - 48th - 49th Streets & Lexington Avenue
Belmont Plaza -- Lexington Avenue, at 49th Street -- New York.
Hotel Bristol - W. 48th St. between Broadway & Radio City, New York.
Hotel Lincoln - New York
Hotel Commodore, Grand Central Terminal, New York
Chambers of Commerce Room - Hotel Dauphin - New York City
Hotel Belmont, Grand Central Terminal, New York.
Georgian Room, Hotel Piccadilly.
Phil Gluckstern's Famous Kosher Cuisine, 209 West 48th Street, New York 19
The Roosevelt New York
Hotel President
The Fifth Avenue Hotel, Twenty Four Fifth Avenue at Ninth Street, New York City.
Shelton Pool -- 48th - 49th Sts. & Lexington Avenue.
Revere Room Hotel Lexington New York
Hotel Lexington. Lexington Avenue at Forty-Eighth Street, New York City
The Sidewalk Cafe, Fifth Avenue Hotel 24 Fifth Avenue - at 9th Street, New York City.