U.S.S. "Charleston."
U.S.S. New York
U.S.S. "Indiana" in Dry Dock.
Crew of the U.S.S. Ohio.
U.S. Battleship Illinois.
Large Guns on U.S. Battleship Kearsarge.
U.S. Battleship Oregon.
U.S. Battleship Mississippi.
Target practice on U.S. Battleship.
U.S. Sailors Life "A Wrestling Match."
U.S.S. "Saratoga."
U.S.S. Maine Commemorative Spoon
[U.S.S. "Kearsarge".]
U.S. Sailors Life "Fencing aboard Ship"
U.S. Cadets. Yard and Rope Drill.
U.S. Battleship, Louisiana.
Welcome Admiral Geo. Dewey U.S.N.
Armoured Steel Cruiser New York, United States Navy.
[U. S. Navy vessel.]