U.S. Armored Cruiser "Maine"
Armoured Steel Cruiser New York, United States Navy.
U.S. Steel Cruiser Yorktown; U.S.S. Kearsarge [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
Invitation to the launching of the U.S. Armored Cruiser "Maine"
U.S. Steel Cruiser "Essex" [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
U.S.S. Boston Naval Parade Apr. 29, 1889; U.S. Steel Cruiser Boston [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
U.S.S. Essex; U.S. Steel Cruiser Chicago [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
U.S. Steel Cruiser "Juniatta"; U.S. Steel Crusier "Brooklyn" [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
U.S.S. "Saratoga."
U.S.S. "Charleston."
Warships, Italian "Calabria" West Indies, May 1898.
Letter from John De Lancey to John Peter De Lancey, December 2, 1788
Automobile Map of Westchester County New York
U.S. Cruiser "Columbia"
U.S. Protected Cruiser "Columbia"
One of the Battleships During the Illumination October 14th. Lights in the Foreground Are Arcs on River Front.
U.S. Steel Cruiser "Boston" passing under Brooklyn Bridge [Washington's Centennial Parades.]