Large Guns on U.S. Battleship Kearsarge.
Target practice on U.S. Battleship.
U.S. Sailors Life "A Wrestling Match."
U.S. Battleship, Louisiana.
U.S. Sailors Life "Fencing aboard Ship"
U.S. Battleship Illinois.
U.S.S. "Charleston."
U.S.S. New York
Crew of the U.S.S. Ohio.
U.S. Revenue Cutter Service. Line of Cadets.
U.S.S. "Indiana" in Dry Dock.
[Crew members on U.S. Navy ship.]
U.S. Battleship Mississippi.
U.S. Battleship Oregon.
U. S. Custom House, New York.
U. S. Custom House, New York
"Our Jolly Tars so brave and true"