Hippodrome, N. Y. City.
Hippodrome, New York.
New York Hippodrome, N.Y. City.
Broadway & 33rd Street, N.Y. City.
Battery Park, N.Y. City.
Cooper Union, N. Y. City.
New York Hippodrome
Park Row, N.Y. City.
N. Y. Hippodrome. The Court of the Golden Fountains "A Society Circus"
Broadway & 33rd Street, N. Y. City
Hotel Belmont, N.Y. City.
Broadway, N.Y. City.
14th St. West from 3rd Ave, N.Y. City
Hotel Manhattan, N.Y. City.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Building, N.Y. City.
The Waldorf Astoria, N.Y. City
Sixth Ave., North from 14th St., N. Y. City
The Hippodrome.